

オリオンビールとOISTが覚書を締結 ~脱炭素・持続可能な社会を見据えた次世代型エネルギーソリューションの実現を目指して~


左からOIST Innovation東京オフィスディレクター 栗原聖之、OIST Innovation 主席副学長、ギル・グラノット・マイヤー、OIST 学長兼理事長 カリン・マルキデス、当社代表取締役社長兼執行役員社長CEO 村野 一、執行役員 生産本部長 工場長 樽岡誠、生産本部 エンジニアリング課 課長補佐 桃原久美

オリオンビール株式会社(代表取締役社長兼執行役員社長CEO 村野一、以下、オリオンビール)と沖縄科学技術大学院大学(学長兼理事長:カリン・マルキデス、以下OIST)は、24年8月14日、脱炭素・持続可能な社会を見据えた次世代型エネルギーソリューションの開発および導入において、産学連携推進に関する覚書を締結いたしました。



  1. カーボンニュートラル社会への持続可能なエネルギーシステムに関する研究、教育とイノベーション
  2. カーボンニュートラル社会へ貢献する先行研究及び新技術の共同開発
  3. 沖縄での持続可能なエネルギー実証基盤の構築
  4. その他両者の利益に資する関連事項





オリオンビール㈱ サステナビリティ・広報部  TEL: 098-911-5233 
沖縄科学技術大学院大学 メディアセクション TEL:098-982-3447(直通)



August 14, 2024

Orion Brewery and OIST sign Memorandum of Understanding ~ Striving to realize next-generation energy solutions for a decarbonized and sustainable society~

Orion Breweries, Ltd. (President and CEO: Hajime Murano, hereinafter referred to as Orion Breweries) and The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (President and CEO: Karin Markides, hereinafter referred to as OIST) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today on August 14, 2024 to promote collaboration.

Based on this MOU, OIST, who promotes international, interdisciplinary and cutting-edge research, education, innovation, and community engagement, and Orion Breweries, which is committed to promoting a circular economy and a low-carbon society rooted in the local community, will leverage their respective strengths to establish a foundation for innovation. Specifically, they will work together on initiatives aimed at developing and implementing next-generation energy solutions at the Orion Beer Nago Factory and at the OIST campus.

Under the MOU, the parties will regularly exchange information and collaborate on development efforts, with the goal of establishing a multi-layered partnership on the following:

  1. Research, education, and innovation related to sustainable energy systems for a carbon-neutral society.
  2. Joint development of pre-competitive advanced research and new technologies that will contribute to a carbon-neutral society.
  3. Establishment of a sustainable energy demonstration platform in Okinawa.
  4. Other related matters that will benefit both parties.

"This agreement is part of OIST’s strategy for developing sustainable energy solutions on islands in harsh climate.” said OIST President and CEO Karin Markides during the signing ceremony. “OIST envisions the creation of a test bed that will serve as a reality laboratory for the development of advanced technologies that can help us realize carbon neutrality. Our researchers will work to inspire and collaborate with a diverse set of local, national, and international stakeholders. Through the collaboration with Orion Beer and other local companies, such as Okinawa Electric Power Company, as well as local municipalities, national government, multinational companies, and the financial sector, we will pool knowledge and resources to bring about meaningful change."

Hajime Murano, President and CEO of Orion Brewery, said "this agreement reflects a groundbreaking vision to achieve carbon neutrality across Okinawa. By collaborating with OIST, we will join forces to tackle global and local challenges and create opportunities to contribute to the sustainable development of our planet and society.”

■Contact information for inquiries

Orion Breweries, Ltd.
Sustainability & Corporate PR Department
E-mail: csr_cc@orionbeer.co.jp
TEL: 098-911-5233

Madia Relations Section
Email: media@oist.jp
TEL: 098-982-3447